Did you see this canadian cialis video about how children with asthma usually also suffer with Acid Reflux? Usual medicine treatments (P-P-I’s) to counter the Acid Reflux does not help these children but can in many cases make their Asthma worse! This was also printed in the JAMA (journal of the American Medical Association) report. […]

Natural Heartburn Relief
Natural Heartburn Relief No more nasty chalk like pills or having to swallow some pink solution. Now you can have an all-natural remedy to reduce heartburn and acid reflux that tastes like you’re eating a candy. T-D cheap rolex replica rops come in many flavors and they are super delicious. Most people report that T-Drops […]

T-Drops are now for sale!
Now all T-Drops come in new packaging of up to 20 i viagra online ndividually wrapped twin T-drops for more enjoyment and benefits. T-Drops are a natural blend of teas and other natural substances like buy viagra without prescription ginger, honey, licorice, and other flavors that reduce acid reflux and settle your stomach. Much like […]

Do Cherries help with acid reflux and heartburn?
Cherries contain antioxidants that can heal and restore damage acid reflux may have caused. I am not a big fan of cherries but I love our Cherry flavored T-Drops. They contain cherry as well as a blend of teas to enhance digestion and reduce acid reflux. Cherries contain potassium and Vitamin C which help your […]

Why is fried food generally bad for heartburn and acid reflux?
Why is fried food generally bad for heartburn and acid reflux? I love fried food. Why is it that you can deep fry anything and it will taste amazing? Americans love some good fried chicken. It seems that everyone loves eating fried food and I was no different. I had to change what I ate. […]

Do lemons or lemonade take away acid reflux or heartburn?
When life hands you lemons make lemonade. This is a good motto if you don’t struggle with acid reflux. For those of us who do struggle with heartburn and acid reflux lemons or lemonade may not be our best choice. I personally am not a huge fan of lemons so I can’t give you my […]

Is Being Italian good for Acid Reflux?
I don’t know about you but I love sauce and all pasta. The problem is that every time I have it I get heartburn and acid reflux. Tomatoes themselves on sandwiches don’t seem to bother me much but when I have sauce, it can be bad. I actually crave sauce sometime buy generic cialis online […]

Are Oranges good for my Acid Reflux?
I can tell you one thing is for sure, oranges are very acidic. That cannot be good for your acid reflux. Before I became serious about stopping my acid reflux, I use to have an orange or tangerine every day. I continued to suffer with acid reflux day in and day out. That was before […]

Does Yogurt help fight acid reflux and heartburn?
Many people say that yogurt can help soothe your esophagus and help with acid reflux and heartburn. We know that it is good for digestion and because it is smooth and cool it can help calm heartburn. I am not a Yogurt lover and it took me a while to incorporate some yogurt in my […]

Are bananas good for heartburn and acid reflux?
Forget what you heard about an apple a day keeping the doctor away, try a banana instead. They are very good for acid reflux. Bananas contain a natural antacid to help soothe heartburn and acid reflux much like T-Drops do. Bananas work to produce a protective coating in your stomach and lowers the effect acid […]