Green Tea has many health benefits. It has been researched for years and is said to help your heart, lower Cholesterol, and help suppress your appetite. Well I am not totally sure all these things can be a benefit of green tea but one levitra thing I do know. This Green Tea-Drop has an amazing […]

Honey is healthy!
Honey is a major component to our Tea-Drops and Tea Soaps. In Tea-Drops Honey can help in the digestion of daily products. Every heard of the age old saying of cheap cialis Milk and Honey? Honey can help soothe sore throats and has antioxidant and antibacterial properties. For the Skin Honey in Tea Soap can […]

Tea Soaps by Tea-Drops
Announcing a brand new product line of Tea-Soaps! These Soaps have some amazing qualities. They not only smell fabulous, they are made with different Teas and yes even the talked about Super Green tea. These soaps each benefit your health in a particular way. “Lemon Revive Tea Soap” –brightens and softens your skin. It has […]

Chocolate Easter Bunny Means Acid Reflux!
If you are human at all you have to admit that chocolate is a God send. I love it! Someone once said give me chocolate or give me death and I use to agree. The problem with me loving chocolate so much is I should not have it. If you are suffering from acid reflux […]

Acid reflux and Coffee.
Just when I think I am not having any problems with acid reflux I decide to grab A cup of coffee late in the day and bam it hits me again. cheap viagra 100mg A better choice would be Tea To keep acid reflux away. Check out for an even better natural remedy that […]

Peanut Butter and Jelly, An American Institution, Revampted
Today was a beautiful day for some spring cleanup. That’s what I did. I moved the lawn, cleaned some windows, and worked up a big appetite. My stomach seemed to empty much faster since I was exerting some physical exercise. I had to eat something and fast. My wife suggested some toast since I was […]

T-Drops Number 5 is Alive!
NOW JUST CALLED CINNAMON It’s time to introduce one of my favorite T-Drops. Super-strong cinnamon #5! Obviously, its main flavor is cinnamon. Not only does it refresh your breathe, but it stops acid reflux fast. I usually use this T-Drop when the acid reflux is really bad because I just ate something I knew I […]

Peppermint is NOT good for those who suffer with reflux.
Is peppermint good for reducing acid reflux? Peppermint is known for soothing an upset stomach. Using it to reduce acid reflux is a big mistake. It relaxes your stomach muscles. There is a little muscle in the esophagus called the esophageal Sphincter muscle. When this muscle relaxes it will allow acid to back up into […]

Can Stress make acid reflux worse?
If you are suffering from acid reflux, GURD, digestive disorder, or heartburn; stress can be the cause. Many people have a hard time handling stress they feel on a daily basis. You may not be able to stop the stressful situations that you are dealing with right now. You can change how your body relates […]

Does Chocolate Cause Heartburn?
If you are human at all you have to admit that chocolate is a God send. I love it! Someone once said give me chocolate or give me death and I use to agree. The problem with me loving chocolate so much is I should not have it and if you are suffering from acid […]