Cinnamon Tea-Drops are great for getting rid of heartburn. They taste really good and do a great job to make your tummy feel better. Our Honey Tea-Drops are so soothing on your throat and settle your stomach from acid reflux and indigestion. All Tea-Drops are made from our special Tea formula and offers users a great taste that has many […]

Improved Tea-Drop Formula
We have just improved are Tea-Drop formula making them even better that before. The new formula helps to prevent Tea-Drops from crystalizing and getting soft too quickly as anyone making hard candy may be well aware of is always a challenge. Tea- Drops are Fast acting heartburn relief! A Tea-Drop is a lozenge made from […]

Spearmint Tea-Drops and Tea
Spearmint has many health benefits. This is why we have chosen it as one of our Tea-Drops and we offer it in loose and bagged Tea form too. Caffeine Free Tea! Spearmint is actually better on your stomach than peppermint if you consider how it helps your digestion and reduces acid reflux. It is known […]

Cherry Tea-Drops
Cherries contain antioxidants that can heal and restore damage acid reflux may have caused. I am not a big fan of cherries but I love our Cherry flavored Tea-Drops. They contain cherry as well as a blend of teas to enhance digestion and reduce acid reflux. Cherries contain potassium and Vitamin C which help your […]

Cinnamon Tea-Drops
Why Cinnamon and Clove? Cinnamon has been used to aide digestion and soothes your nervous system. It has been known to help against flu and colds but more importantly to neutralize acid in your stomach. Clove has been used to help relieve stomach problems including acid reflux. Adding these ingredients to some herbal teas has […]

FDA Warnings about Acid Reflux Medications! Check out these two links. It is proof why you need to start using Tea-Drops and telling all your friends to do the same when it comes to reducing acid reflux and heartburn. Here is a highlight of what acid reflux drugs especially PPI’S (Proton Pump Inhibitors) are causing You: Fracture warning – […]

Tea Soaps by Tea-Drops
Announcing a brand new product line of Tea-Soaps! These Soaps have some amazing qualities. They not only smell fabulous, they are made with different Teas and yes even the talked about Super Green tea. These soaps each benefit your health in a particular way. “Lemon Revive Tea Soap” –brightens and softens your skin. It has […]

Cinnamon and Clove Tea-Drops?
Why Cinnamon and Clove? Cinnamon has been used to aide digestion and soothes your nervous system. It has been known to help against flu and colds but more importantly to neutralize acid in your stomach. Clove has been used to help relieve stomach problems including acid reflux. Adding these ingredients to some herbal teas has […]

Ginger Ales or Ginger Tales?
The use of ginger has been controversial in different circles of thought and medicine. Sometimes I wonder if it is just a scare tactic to keep you doctor dependent. Ginger has been known to help soothe an upset stomach, buy cialis online without a prescription build your immune system, get rid of motion sickness, and […]

Why Chai?
Why Chai buy clomid Tea? Chai Tea is first a great alternative to coffee especially for those with heartburn and acid reflux. Though Chai itself can cause heartburn it is not nearly as bad as coffee because it contains some other ingredients besides Black Tea or Chicory. Chicory is better for you. Other ingredients are […]