Suffering from acid reflux, heartburn, indigestion, or just seasonal allergies. Tea Drops has helped reduce the symptoms associated with each. I use Tea-Drops after immediately eating something that bothers me and it soothes my tummy. In the morning often allergies will be bothering my throat and Tea-Drops causes the issue to slowly disappear. Throughout the […]

Improved Tea-Drop Formula
We have just improved are Tea-Drop formula making them even better that before. The new formula helps to prevent Tea-Drops from crystalizing and getting soft too quickly as anyone making hard candy may be well aware of is always a challenge. Tea- Drops are Fast acting heartburn relief! A Tea-Drop is a lozenge made from […]

Cinnamon Tea-Drops
Why Cinnamon and Clove? Cinnamon has been used to aide digestion and soothes your nervous system. It has been known to help against flu and colds but more importantly to neutralize acid in your stomach. Clove has been used to help relieve stomach problems including acid reflux. Adding these ingredients to some herbal teas has […]

Honey means Health!
Honey is a key ingredient to our Tea-Drops because of the great taste and all the health benefits. Did you know that Honey contains properties to fight off many infections? It is said that honey promotes youthfulness by combating the aging process. There are many Vitamins essential to our daily diet as well. Honey builds […]