We have just improved are Tea-Drop formula making them even better that before. The new formula helps to prevent Tea-Drops from crystalizing and getting soft too quickly as anyone making hard candy may be well aware of is always a challenge. Tea- Drops are Fast acting heartburn relief! A Tea-Drop is a lozenge made from […]

Cherry Tea-Drops
Cherries contain antioxidants that can heal and restore damage acid reflux may have caused. I am not a big fan of cherries but I love our Cherry flavored Tea-Drops. They contain cherry as well as a blend of teas to enhance digestion and reduce acid reflux. Cherries contain potassium and Vitamin C which help your […]

Tea Soaps by Tea-Drops
Announcing a brand new product line of Tea-Soaps! These Soaps have some amazing qualities. They not only smell fabulous, they are made with different Teas and yes even the talked about Super Green tea. These soaps each benefit your health in a particular way. “Lemon Revive Tea Soap” –brightens and softens your skin. It has […]